

Pedagogical lectures and advanced courses

Dimitry ABANIN (University of Geneva, Switzerland) : Transport in condensed matter systems

Antoine BROWAEYS (Institut d'Optique, France) : Rydberg atoms

Cristiano CIUTI (University of Paris, France) : Photonic systems

Michel DEVORET (Yale University, USA) : Superconducting circuits

Sebastian DIEHL (University of Cologne, Germany) : Open quantum systems

Nathan GOLDMAN (University of Brussels, Belgium) : Topological matter

Markus GREINER (Harvard University, USA) : Ultracold atoms in optical lattices

Ulrich SCHOLLWOECK (LMU University of Munich, Germany) : Numerical methods for many-body quantum systems


Topical seminars

Alberto AMO (University of Lille, France)

Jean-Philippe BRANTUT (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)

David CLEMENT (Institut d'Optique, France)

Timothy DUTY (UNSW Sydney, Australia)

Rene GERRITSMA (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Christian GROSS (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Germany)

Leonardo FALLANI (European Laboratory for NonLinear Spectroscopy, Italy)

Tim LANGEN (University of Stuttgart, Germany)


Posters and talks by the participants

All participants to the sumemr school are invited to present a poster in the poster sessions. Some of them wil be selected to for oral presentations.


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